CLI Reference#
This page provides documentation for wanna command-line tool.
Complete MLOps framework for Vertex-AI
--install-completion Install completion for the current shell.
--show-completion Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or
customize the installation.
Initiate a new wanna-ml project from template.
init [OPTIONS]
--output-dir PATH The output directory where wanna-ml repository will
be created [required]
-t, --template TEXT The git repository of the template you want to use
-c, --checkout TEXT The branch, tag or commit to checkout after cloning
the repository
-d, --directory TEXT The directory within the repository to use as the
--overwrite-if-exists Overwrite the contents of the output directory if it
--no-input Do not prompt for parameters and only use
cookiecutter.json file content
Plugin for building and deploying training jobs.
Create a manifest based on the wanna-ml config that can be later pushed or run.
job build [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one job from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to build. Choose 'all' to build all jobs.
[default: all]
Build and push manifest to Cloud Storage.
job push [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration
[env var: WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use.
Profiles are loaded from wanna-ml yaml
config and (optionally) from this file too.
[env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default:
-v, --version TEXT job version [default: dev]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one job from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to push. Choose 'all' to push
all jobs. [default: all]
-m, --mode [all|manifests|containers|quick]
Push mode, this is useful if you want to
push containers in one step and deploy
instances in other.Use all for dev
[default: all]
Displays a link to the cost report per wanna_project and optionally per job name.
job report [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one job from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to report. Choose 'all' to report all
jobs. [default: all]
Run the job as specified in wanna-ml config. This command puts together build, push and run-manifest steps.
job run [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally)
from this file too. [env var:
WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default: default]
-v, --version TEXT job version [default: dev]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one job from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to run. Choose 'all' to run all jobs.
[default: all]
-hp, --hp-params PATH Path to the params file in yaml format
-s, --sync Runs the job in sync mode
Run the job as specified in the wanna-ml manifest.
job run-manifest [OPTIONS]
-v, --manifest TEXT Job deployment manifest
-hp, --hp-params PATH Path to the params file in yaml format
-s, --sync Runs the pipeline in sync mode
Stop a running job.
job stop [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one job from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to stop. Choose 'all' to stop all jobs.
[default: all]
Create, delete and more operations for Workbench Instance (Jupyter notebook).
notebook [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Validates build of notebooks as they are defined in wanna.yaml
notebook build [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-v, --version TEXT notebook version [default: dev]
Workbench Instance.
If there already is a notebook with the same name in the same location and project, you will be prompt if you want to delete the existing one and start a new one.
When the notebook instance is created, you will be given a URL link to JupyterLab.
notebook create [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration
[env var: WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use.
Profiles are loaded from wanna-ml yaml
config and (optionally) from this file too.
[env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default:
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one workbench instance from
your wanna-ml yaml configuration to create.
Choose 'all' to create all workbench
instances. [default: all]
-o, --owner TEXT
-v, --version TEXT workbench instance version [default: dev]
-m, --mode [all|manifests|containers|quick]
Push mode, this is useful if you want to
push containers in one step and deploy
instances in other.Use all for dev
[default: all]
Workbench Instance.
notebook delete [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one workbench instance from your wanna-ml
yaml configuration to delete. Choose 'all' to delete all
workbench instances. [default: all]
Push docker containers. This command also builds the images.
notebook push [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration
[env var: WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use.
Profiles are loaded from wanna-ml yaml
config and (optionally) from this file too.
[env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default:
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one workbench instance from
your wanna-ml yaml configuration to push.
Choose 'all' to push all workbench
instances. [default: all]
-v, --version TEXT notebook version [default: dev]
-m, --mode [all|manifests|containers|quick]
Notebook push mode, due to CI/CD not
allowing to push to docker registry from GCP
Agent, we need to split it. Notebooks
currently support only containers, as we do
not create manifests as of now. [default:
Displays a link to the cost report per wanna_project and optionally per instance name.
notebook report [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one notebook from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to report. Choose 'all' to report all
notebooks. [default: all]
SSH connect to the Compute Engine instance that is behind the Jupyter Notebook.
This will only work if the notebook is already running.
Please note that you can connect to only one instance with one command call. If you have more notebooks defined in your YAML config, you have to select to which you want to connect to, instance_name "all" will be refused.
notebook ssh [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration
[env var: WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use.
Profiles are loaded from wanna-ml yaml
config and (optionally) from this file too.
[env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default:
-n, --name TEXT Specify to which notebook you want to
connect via ssh. Selecting 'all' will work
only if there is just one notebook defined
in your configuration, an error will be
thrown otherwise. [default: all]
-b, --background / -i, --interactive
Interactive mode will start a bash directly
in the Compute Engine instance backing the
Jupyter notebook. Background mode serves
more like a port-forwarding, you will be
able to connect to the Jupyter Lab at
localhost:{LOCAL_PORT} [default:
--port INTEGER Jupyter Lab will be accessible at this port
at localhost. [default: 8080]
Synchronize existing User-managed Notebooks with wanna.yaml
- Reads current notebooks where label is defined per field in wanna.yaml
- Does a diff between what is on GCP and what is on yaml
- Create the ones defined in yaml and missing in GCP
- Delete the ones in GCP that are not in wanna.yaml
notebook sync [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration
[env var: WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use.
Profiles are loaded from wanna-ml yaml
config and (optionally) from this file too.
[env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default:
--force Synchronisation without prompt
-v, --version TEXT notebook version [default: dev]
-m, --mode [all|manifests|containers|quick]
Push mode, this is useful if you want to
push containers in one step and deploy
instances in other.Use all for dev
[default: all]
Plugin for building and deploying Vertex-AI ML Pipelines.
pipeline [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create a manifest based on the wanna-ml config that can be later pushed, deployed or run.
pipeline build [OPTIONS]
-v, --version TEXT pipeline version [default: dev]
--params PATH Path to the params file in yaml format [env
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration
[env var: WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use.
Profiles are loaded from wanna-ml yaml
config and (optionally) from this file too.
[env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default:
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one pipeline from your wanna-ml
yaml configuration to compile. Choose 'all'
to compile all pipelines. [default: all]
-m, --mode [all|manifests|containers|quick]
Push mode, this is useful if you want to
push containers in one step and deploy
instances in other.Use all for dev
[default: all]
Deploy the pipeline. Deploying means you can set a schedule and the pipeline will not be run only once, but on regular basis.
pipeline deploy [OPTIONS]
-v, --version TEXT pipeline version [default: dev]
-e, --env TEXT Pipeline env [default: local]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one pipeline from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to deploy. Choose 'all' to deploy all
pipelines. [default: all]
Build and push manifest to Cloud Storage.
pipeline push [OPTIONS]
-v, --version TEXT pipeline version [default: dev]
--params PATH Path to the params file in yaml format [env
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration
[env var: WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use.
Profiles are loaded from wanna-ml yaml
config and (optionally) from this file too.
[env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default:
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one pipeline from your wanna-ml
yaml configuration to push. Choose 'all' to
push all pipelines. [default: all]
-m, --mode [all|manifests|containers|quick]
Push mode, this is useful if you want to
push containers in one step and deploy
instances in other.Use all for dev
[default: all]
Displays a link to the cost report per wanna_project and optionally per instance name.
pipeline report [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one pipeline from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to report. Choose 'all' to report all
pipelines. [default: all]
Run the pipeline as specified in wanna-ml config. This command puts together build, push and run-manifest steps.
pipeline run [OPTIONS]
-v, --version TEXT pipeline notebook version [default: dev]
--params PATH Path to the params file in yaml format [env
-s, --sync Runs the pipeline in sync mode
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration
[env var: WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use.
Profiles are loaded from wanna-ml yaml
config and (optionally) from this file too.
[env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME; default:
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one pipeline from your wanna-ml
yaml configuration to run. Choose 'all' to
run all pipelines. [default: all]
-m, --mode [all|manifests|containers|quick]
Push mode, this is useful if you want to
push containers in one step and deploy
instances in other.Use all for dev
[default: all]
--skip-execution-cache Kubeflow pipeline cache configuration
Run the pipeline as specified in the wanna-ml manifest.
pipeline run-manifest [OPTIONS]
-v, --manifest TEXT Job deployment manifest
--params PATH Path to the params file in yaml format [env var:
-s, --sync Runs the pipeline in sync mode
Create, delete or list Tensorboard instances.
tensorboard [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create Tensorboard Instance in GCP Vertex AI Experiments.
If there already is a tensorboard with the same name in the same location and project, you will be prompt if you want to delete the existing one and start a new one.
When the tensorboard instance is created, you will be given a full resource name.
tensorboard create [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one tensorboard from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to create. Choose 'all' to create all
tensorboards. [default: all]
Delete Tensorboard Instance in GCP Vertex AI Experiments.
tensorboard delete [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
-n, --name TEXT Specify only one tensorboard from your wanna-ml yaml
configuration to delete. Choose 'all' to delete all
tensorboards. [default: all]
list Tensorboard Instances in GCP Vertex AI Experiments.
We also show Tensorboard Experiments and Tensorboard Runs for each Instance in the tree format.
tensorboard list [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Path to the wanna-ml yaml configuration [env var:
WANNA_FILE; default: wanna.yaml]
-p, --profile TEXT Name of the GCP profile you want to use. Profiles are
loaded from wanna-ml yaml config and (optionally) from
this file too. [env var: WANNA_GCP_PROFILE_NAME;
default: default]
--region TEXT Overwrites the region from wanna-ml yaml configuration
--filter TEXT GCP filter expression for tensorboard instances. Read
more on GCP filters on
ud/reference/topic/filters Example: display_name=my-
tensorboard. Example: labels.wanna_project:* - to show
all tensorboard created by wanna-ml. Example:
--url / --no-url Weather to show URL link to experiments [default: url]
Print your current and latest available version
version [OPTIONS]