final case class ThrottlerConfig(`class`: String, maxQueueSize: Option[Int], maxConcurrentRequests: Option[Int], maxRequestsPerSecond: Option[Int], drainInterval: Option[Duration])
A session-wide component that controls the rate at which requests are executed.
- Value parameters:
- class
The class of the throttler. If it is not qualified, the driver assumes that it resides in the package com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.session.throttling.
- drainInterval
How often the throttler attempts to dequeue requests. Only used by RateLimitingRequestThrottler.
- maxConcurrentRequests
The maximum number of requests that are allowed to execute in parallel. Only used by ConcurrencyLimitingRequestThrottler.
- maxQueueSize
The maximum number of requests that can be enqueued when the throttling threshold is exceeded. Beyond that size, requests will fail with a RequestThrottlingException.
- maxRequestsPerSecond
The maximum allowed request rate. Only used by RateLimitingRequestThrottler.
- Companion:
- object
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any