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Stack traces#

Wanna-ml CLI interface uses typer package and rich for showing help, stack traces etc.

By default, the wanna-ml will show verbose stack trace containing all local variables which can simplify the development, but can be too verbose sometimes, see the docs for more details.

The stack trace looks something like this:

             timeout = None                                                                     
  transcoded_request = {                                                                        
                          'uri': '/compute/v1/projects/your-gcp-project-id/regions',           
                          'query_params': ,                                                    
                          'method': 'get'                                                      
                 uri = '/compute/v1/projects/your-gcp-project-id/regions'                       
NotFound: 404 GET The resource 'projects/your-gcp-project-id' was not found

If you don't like this tabular stack trace, you can disable this behavior by setting environment variable


in shell, or


in powershell. Then, the regular stack trace will be shown, like this:

  File "C:\Projects\others\wanna-ml\src\wanna\core\utils\", line 29, in validate_region
    available_regions = get_available_regions(project_id=values.get("project_id"))
  File "C:\Projects\others\wanna-ml\src\wanna\core\utils\", line 228, in get_available_regions
    response = RegionsClient(credentials=get_credentials()).list(project=project_id)
  File "C:\Users\E10270\.conda\envs\wanna-ml-py310\lib\site-packages\google\cloud\compute_v1\services\regions\", line 874, in list
    response = rpc(
  File "C:\Users\E10270\.conda\envs\wanna-ml-py310\lib\site-packages\google\api_core\gapic_v1\", line 131, in __call__
    return wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\E10270\.conda\envs\wanna-ml-py310\lib\site-packages\google\api_core\", line 76, in error_remapped_callable
    return callable_(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\E10270\.conda\envs\wanna-ml-py310\lib\site-packages\google\cloud\compute_v1\services\regions\transports\", line 392, in __call__
    raise core_exceptions.from_http_response(response)
google.api_core.exceptions.NotFound: 404 GET The resource 'projects/your-gcp-project-id' was not found

If you like the verbosity of the tabular stack trace, but it's too narrow, you can increase the width to an arbitrary number by setting the COLUMNS or TERMINAL_WIDTH environment variable, e.g.:

export COLUMNS=150

in shell, or


Then, the stack trace will look like this:

                self = _List(                                                                                                                     
                          _session=<google.auth.transport.requests.AuthorizedSession object at 0x000001F4E9CA17B0>,                              
                          _host='',                                                                               │ │
                          _interceptor=< object at                
             timeout = None                                                                                                                       
  transcoded_request = {'uri': '/compute/v1/projects/your-gcp-project-id/regions', 'query_params': , 'method': 'get'}                             
                 uri = '/compute/v1/projects/your-gcp-project-id/regions'                                                                         
NotFound: 404 GET The resource 'projects/your-gcp-project-id' was not