
libraryDependencies += "com.avast" %% "sst-monix-catnap" % "0.18.4"

This subproject provides interop between Scala Server Toolkit and monix-catnap library.

Circuit Breaker

You can use CircuitBreakerModule to instantiate and configure a circuit breaker and you can implement CircuitBreakerMetrics to get monitoring of the circuit breaker. There is an implementation for Micrometer in sst-monix-catnap-micrometer subproject.

All of this is tied with http4s HTTP client in the sst-http4s-client-monix-catnap subproject so in practice you want to use Http4sClientCircuitBreakerModule which wraps any Client[F] with a CircuitBreaker (it is recommended to have an enriched CircuitBreaker with logging and metrics - see CircuitBreakerModule companion object methods). However the most important feature of the enriched circuit breaker is that any HTTP failure (according to HttpStatusClassifier) is converted to an exception internally which triggers the circuit breaking mechanism. Failing server is not overloaded by more requests and we do not have to wait for the response if the server is failing anyway.