
libraryDependencies += "com.avast" %% "sst-sentry" % "0.18.4"

This subproject allows you to initialize SentryClient from a configuration case class. There are two make* methods. The one called make does everything according to the configuration. The one called makeWithReleaseFromPackage adds a bit of clever behavior because it reads the Implementation-Version property from the MANIFEST.MF file from the JAR (package) of the respective Main class and uses it to override the release property of Sentry. This allows you to automatically propage the version of your application to Sentry.

Initialization of the SentryClient is side-effectful so it is wrapped in Resource[F, SentryClient] and F is Sync.

import com.avast.sst.sentry.*
import zio.interop.catz.*
import zio.Task

val sentry = SentryModule.make[Task](SentryConfig("<dsn>"))